dinsdag 11 mei 2010

VirtualBox networking for second domain

My laptop is configured to be part of the Furore domain, where I work. However, I frequently work at a customers' location. With my current customer, your machine has to be on the domain, say 'ABC', otherwise al kinds of services are unavailable.

Since my laptop cannot be configured for two domains, I set up a virtual Windows XP with VirtualBox. For the network I used the default NAT setting connected to my physical ethernet connection. Worked fine, for a while.

Today a network monitoring tool apparently saw a local IP address on the network, the one from the VirtualBox Host. Therefore they automatically shut down my network connection. Problem...

This can be prevented by using the Bridged setting (according to the documentation). So I tried. Didn't work. I suppose because the Hosts' MAC address is unknown to the domain controller, and therefore does not get an IP address from the DHCP server. I could try to contact the servicedesk to register this MAC address. But instead I will ask for a separate laptop from ABC. I'm done with administering things I cannot fully control myself.

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