maandag 22 februari 2010

Outlook Express can compact messages...

Interesting message I get the past few days after each startup. Funny thing is that I do not even use Outlook Express, I only use Outlook. So there is exactly 1 message in there, the default welcome message. Makes sense to compact that ;-)

However, I found the solution, accidentally on an Outlook forum. The crucial part:

It is related to desktop search - right-click the magnifying glass icon in the toolbar menu and choose Windows Desktop Search Options from the menu. If Microsoft Outlook Express is listed under 'Included Locations' then left-click on it and click on the 'Modify' button'. You should see an Indexed Locations popup where you can 'uncheck' the Microsoft Outlook Express: Main Identity entry and you will no longer receive the message.

Edit: Next startup the message reappeared! So I just gave in and pressed OK. It will probably be silent for some time now. In short:

Resistance is futile. We are Microsoft